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Bear Aware PSA

Posted Wednesday March 19th, 2025

General Information

Bear Aware PSA from Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department

The Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department has begun to receive reports of bears coming out of their dens as the weather warms. Now is the time to take these proactive steps to help prevent bears from looking for food in your yards and neighborhoods:

  • Make bears feel uncomfortable in your yard. Yell, bang pots and pans, or use other noise devices from inside your home. Never shoot a bear to scare it. Even BBs can seriously injure bears.
  • Please report your bear encounters to Vermont Fish & Wildlife. These reports allow us to help you prevent future bear incidents. They also give us information to help all Vermonters better coexist with bears: 

Following these steps can save bears’ lives, and help protect you, your neighbors, and your property. Please do your part to be a good neighbor and help keep Vermont’s bears wild!

If you have questions, contact the Vermont Fish and Wildlife department at 802-828-1000, or
