Town Administrator
Morgan Wilbur
Phone: 802-843-2552
Email: townadmin@graftonvt.org
Office Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday (Closed Fridays): 9:00-12:00 and 1:00-4:00
Town Clerk, Service Officer and Treasurer
Kimberly Record
Phone: 802-843-2419
Fax: 802-843-6100
Email: krecord@graftonvt.org
Office Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday (Closed Wednesdays): 9:00-12:00 and 1:00-4:00

Michelle Dolloph & Wendy Martin
Email: mdolloph@graftonvt.org
The following Holidays are observed by all offices: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Birthday, Presidents Day, Town Meeting, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples’ Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving & Christmas Day.
Research Public Records
Research Online
If you wish to search Grafton public records on-line, look up on Google “Record Hub” (Subscription needed to view this site).
Research in Town Office
If you wish to research IN PERSON you must HAVE AN APPOINTMENT – appointments may be on Mondays, Tuesdays, or Thursdays only. Appointments are necessary because the space for research is very limited
The Town Clerk’s statutory duties range from recording, preserving and certifying public documents to administering oaths of office, complying with public information requests, posting notices on the Town’s bulletin board, running the local elections, maintaining the grand list, issuing marriage licenses and licensing animals.
Access to Town Hall by Appointment Appreciated
- Access for Search of Public Records and other business with the Clerk/Treasurer available by Appointment.
- Call the Clerk/Treasurer at (802) 843 2419
- Clerk Office Hours 8:00 to 4:00 Mon., Tues., Thurs., Friday.
Administrator’s Office is open. Knock on front door. Call first if you wish. Hours: Mon. thru Thurs, 8 AM to 4 PM
Clerk Treasurer Fees and Reminders:
Below is a summary of the changes. Please plan accordingly so there is no delay in processing your recordings due to a shortage of fees.
Summary of Vermont Recording Fee Changes
Per H.526 (approved by VT Legislature 2019 session) 32 V.S.A. §1671
Effective: July 1, 2019
Former Fee | New Fee | |
Document recording fees | $10/page | $15/page |
PTTR (Property transfer tax return) | $10/document | $15/document |
Survey plat (mylar) recording fees | $15/sheet | $25/sheet |
Certified copy of records (no change) | $10/page | $10/page |
Examination of records (vault time) | $2/hour | $4/hour |
* Documents include all items recorded in the land records (deeds, mortgages, assignments, liens, releases, permits)
* Multiple assignments or releases included on one document are charged $15/assignment or release.
- Photo Copies $1.00/page
Contact the Clerk’s office with any questions @ 802-843-2419 or krecord@graftonvt.org
- The Town of Grafton runs on a Fiscal Year July 1 – June 30.
- Annual Town Meeting – First Tuesday in March.
- Taxes are due quarterly:
August 15th, November 15th, February 17th and May 15th in 2024 - Land Records, Vital Records and Misc. Records are available at the Town Office