Planning Commission Members
Matt Siano
Eric Stevens
Lester Schwalb
Ron Pilette
Warren Fisher
Building Notification Required for All Development
In order to assure compliance with Grafton Flood Damage Prevention Regulations and to facilitate the work of the Town Listers it will be necessary for all property owners planning to construct a building or structure, or planning to make an addition to an existing building in the Town of Grafton, where the cost of such construction exceeds $500, to obtain a certificate of notification from the Town, which indicates the intention to do the above.
Such Certification of Notification shall be secured prior to the beginning of said construction and shall be filed in the Town office.
Please Contact Morgan Wilbur, Town Administrator for further information.
Planning Commission Agendas
Meetings are held at the Grafton Town Hall at 117 Main Street, on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00PM. Please check the Agenda page for information and materials.